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The Nellie McClung Girls Junior High Program is an innovative, Edmonton single-gender educational program where young women strengthen their abilities and prepare for a successful future.


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Why Choose Nellie

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Looking back on my days as a Nellie, listening to No Doubt, working on my science fair project, adjusting my tie on the city bus in the mornings, it’s hard to believe that 23 years later I’m the proud parent of a Nellie McClung student. But truth be told, I always hoped I would be.

My parents & I discovered the Nellie Program just weeks before my gr. 8 year was about to begin & after suffering through most of the usual teenage drama of gr. 7 in a regular jr. high, I was more than thrilled to join a program focusing on female empowerment, science & a sense of community. Over the next 2 years I made some of the greatest memories of my life, & some of the closest friends that to this day I call my very nearest & dearest people.

Fast forward to last year, as my own daughter was in the midst of her gr. 6 year, I contacted my ‘alma mater’.  The principal kindly offered up information, as well as an invitation to the Power of Women (POW) event held in early 2020 which we decided to attend. Within 10 min. of arriving at the school  several gr. 7,8 & 9 students introduced themselves & got to know my daughter. By the end of the opening speech my shy, introverted 11 yr. old was off making new friends with girls who were happy to show her the school & walk her to her next speaker. By 3pm I received a text saying that she would be a few minutes late as she helped her “new friends put chairs away”. I knew in that moment; the school was just as special as it was during my time there so long before & it would be a great 3 yrs. for my daughter.

Only a month after the POW event, the world completely changed with the threat of Covid 19 shutting schools & businesses down. We didn’t know what the school year would bring, but we ordered the uniform & made the decision to enroll for in-person learning at Nellie for 2020/2021. From the very start of this school year, the staff have gone above & beyond to not only make the most of a challenging situation but to give the kids the safest learning environment possible. Between the small class sizes & experienced staff I feel extremely lucky to have chosen in person learning for my daughter, & don’t think I would have under any other circumstances.

One of the noticeable features of the program is the uniform. Quite frankly, this was not very appealing for my daughter, but after talking with the girls at POW she was sold. The freedom it offers to parents & students is amazing! I love that getting ready in the morning is a simple & easy process; & it allows the girls to feel connected to one another in a unique way. The freedom to mix & match pieces or appropriately express yourself through your hair, make up or jewelry gives just the right amount of creativity while not distracting from the learning & relationships being built.

I am thankful for my experience at Nellie, & I truly know this program is SPECIAL. The fear of going to a jr. high without all the same friends can be overwhelming.  I’m sure it's a big reason for many girls & parents to not enroll in a different school, but knowing the amazing experiences & new friends to be made, the decision was easy for us. And I hope by sharing our experience it will help make it easier for anyone else considering this program for their daughter.


Holly Baker, Nellie class of 1999

Posted Feb 2021