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10227 118 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5K 2V4


The Nellie McClung Girls Junior High Program is an innovative, Edmonton single-gender educational program where young women strengthen their abilities and prepare for a successful future.


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25th Anniversary Hoodie

Holly Baker

In the midst of a very unique and unprecedented school year for 2020/2021 there has been a bright spot at the Nellie McClung Program: Celebrating 25 years of our program. The NLMES board decided one of the ways to commemorate the event would be to offer up a limited edition hoodie that both alumni, family members and current students could wear with pride. The school will be allowing this special hoodie to be worn as one of the uniform options once it arrives early next school year and it’s also a great chance for those of us who formerly rocked the uniform on a daily basis to have our own piece of nostalgia.

In the spirit of leadership, the board asked the ladies of Nellie McClung for design submissions to embellish the back side of the hoodie and put the top 2 to a vote! Here are all the amazingly creative designs we received from students:

Aren’t they all lovely?

Once all the votes were tallied it was a very tight race but this was our winning submission, as shown on the hoodie.


Congratulations to Lu, Isobel, and Kinsey who worked together on the design and will each receive a free hoodie for their contribution!

We look forward to seeing the hoodie being worn at school and around town in the next few months, as well as continuing our 25th anniversary celebrations. Don’t forget to place your order, this is a one time offering and all orders must be submitted by July 30, 2021.

You can place your order directly on our site, right here.